I believe the Monster Creation Cheat Sheet was the first thing I ever posted to the Tavern.
I just updated it. Enjoy!
(And let me know if you have questions or spot typos or whatever.)
Monster Creation Cheatsheet
This right here is maybe the single most useful thing I’ve made for Dungeon World: The monster creation questionnaire presented in Dungeon World isn’t difficult or very complicated, but it does suffer from usability issues.
The typos are my professional deformity: under “As a Countdown” you wrote utlimate. 😉 I couldn’t find any others.
Emir Pasanovic thanks, fixed!
Any time. 😉
Very clean! I’ve always had issue with how the monster creation functions. Like you said in your blog post, it seems to be much more effective to just have a clear and vivid monster in mind and just work from that concept. I don’t understand the flowchart, question answering approach very well.