I’ve just release the first pack in my new Dungeon Races series on DriveThruRPG, and I’m pretty excited cause it was a long time in the works. This pack covers the classic four races: human, dwarf, elf, and halfling. Each race works kind of like a compendium class, and has 11 total new moves (three starting, four 2-5, and four 6+) that work with any class playbook.
I put everything in a bundle to save money for those who want it all, but others can buy whichever races they want/need at the moment. Flexibility!
Next in the series will be orc, gnome, cambion, and dragonkin. I’ll be putting out a request for feedback when the drafts are ready. There are five packs of four planned, with a possible sixth, so a lot of options are on the horizon (20-24 races total). I hope you all enjoy Dungeon Races!