I’m proud to announce that the beta edition of One Shot World is now available on DriveThruRPG!

I’m proud to announce that the beta edition of One Shot World is now available on DriveThruRPG!

I’m proud to announce that the beta edition of One Shot World is now available on DriveThruRPG!

One Shot World is a hack of Dungeon World,, designed specifically for one shot sessions. Many adjustments have been made to the rules, core moves and playbooks to simplify character creation & worldbuilding; the rest should still be very familiar.

Anyways, it’s free so you should totally check it out! I had a ton of help from this community during the Alpha release, so feedback of any kind if very appreciated!

19 thoughts on “I’m proud to announce that the beta edition of One Shot World is now available on DriveThruRPG!”

  1. Yochai Gal I should also mention that most of Venture Out’s bullet options came from Jeremy Strandberg.

    I’ve had some great assistance from folks here.

  2. Jeremy Strandberg Addramyr Palinor please please give me some feedback; I’m very excited to hear what does and does not work for you!

  3. Well to be painfully honest (but no ill intention), I find that for a 1-shot, the character sheet has way too much text. I’d prefer something lighter. I really like the choices for background and starting moves, although I’d expected some of the good stuff from WoA to make its way into this, for example, a choice of starting move (but then it might not be desirable since more choice = longer character creation, technically).

    I kinda hate the Who are you? section, not much because of its content, but because of the big chunk of text. Might be only because of the layout more than its actual length, dunno. Less questions? I think its implied that you don’t actually answer all of these but having all of them laying there makes for a dense sheet.

    The look of the sheet itself is kinda bland to me, but that’s just me probably (for comparison, I’m a huge fan of Stefan Grambart DW sheets).

    Don’t hate me, please 😛

  4. Addramyr Palinor the sheets are being entirely redone by someone with actual talent, Freddie Dickinson .

    Basically, give me a couple of months – all that will be addressed.

  5. Addramyr Palinor in the meantime, I could always make a version that only includes the first page text but spreadout over two sides. Then players would have to refer to a separate sheet for the rest of the moves and basic info.

    I might do that, it I have time.

  6. Oh, the rules mention Drives but I can find nowhere where are the drives. Are the drives the answer to the questions in Who are you?

    I mean, for a first-timer of RPG, I might be confused about it I think.

  7. Addramyr Palinor under each Background in the Playbooks.

    Again, Playbooks have been redesigned from the ground up. They will be much more user friendly, eventually. For now, we gotta work with what we got!

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