Dungeon Rations Crowdsourcing help!:
What fantastic, bizarre, or interesting ways can food be consumed in Dungeon World?
What special utensils have been created? What kinds of mouths were they created for, and what food do they carry to those mouths?
What spaces have been reserved for eating food? What mealtime customs happen in those spaces?
Please comment below!
Chow Sticks: A pair of long, thing sticks used to pick up small chunks of chow rather than stabbing it. The biggest advantage is that you can pick them up pretty much anywhere or make them yourself!
Food Trident: only recently introduced in the northern parts of Dungeon World, this practical piece of cutlery has become sort of a fad among the gentry. Invented by those effete foreigners in the South, it allows dainty noble fingers to avoid being soiled or burned by fat and hot pieces of meat. What’s wrong with eating meat straight from the bone, I say.
The Banto people of the Harju Plains are known for their gleaming white scarves. When a guest comes to visit, it is the custom to never let them leave without tying as much food as possible in their scarf.
“You’re telling me you still chew your food like a common animal? How uncouth”
Elven society has long since transcended the need for mastication, as they have done with so many of the vulgarities of life including death. Their cuisine is all taken as liquids, quaffed from elegant chalices of blown glass and polished wood.
It is customary after a dwarven meal to give thanks to all those whose work lead to this meal; the chef who cooked it, the servant who bought it, the shopkeep who sold it, the wagoner who carried it, the wainwright who built the wagon, the lumberer who chopped the wood and so on and so forth. No work should ever go unappreciated in dwarven society.
In Morlock society great chiefs are literally called “Chefs” (like the Ottoman janissary)and expected to compete for the leadership with a grand “cook off ” when tribal leadership becomes vacant. Never accept a Morlock invite to “attend” such events since the guests always become consumed rather than consumer!
ranker.com – Crazy Facts about the Janissaries, the Ottoman Empire’s Elite Slave Soldiers
Thanks Mark Tygart for reminding me, False Machine has this amazing article about the Morlock slave cast and their beloved centipedal masters.
He describes ceremonies where the morlocks offer parts of themselves to their masters, to be eaten. When old or injured, a morlock prepares a last meal where through the application of magic and medicine they butcher and direct the cooking of their own flesh, to be eaten by their master and fellow morlocks.
goblinpunch.blogspot.co.uk – Chelinausca and Morlocks