I couldn’t find the “Adventures on Dungeon Planet” community on the web, so I have a question for Johnstone Metzger,…

I couldn’t find the “Adventures on Dungeon Planet” community on the web, so I have a question for Johnstone Metzger,…

I couldn’t find the “Adventures on Dungeon Planet” community on the web, so I have a question for Johnstone Metzger, or someone else who have some time to answer it.

When you choose the Alien move on the character creation, could you choose the multiclasse dabbler? Unlike the other initial moves that offers this possibility but restricting the acess to multiclass (like the Versatile Background from The Earthling), the Alien move from the Mutant class doesn’t make any statement prohibiting.

4 thoughts on “I couldn’t find the “Adventures on Dungeon Planet” community on the web, so I have a question for Johnstone Metzger,…”

  1. So technically you could, yeah, but Multiclass Dabbler says you count as 1 level lower than you are to see if you qualify for the move, so you count as Level Zero and can’t take a Level 2-5 advanced move or a level 6+ move. Starting moves don’t technically say you have to be Level 1, though, so if your group thinks you should be able to take Multiclass Dabbler to get the starting move from another class, then sure! If your group thinks that counting as Level Zero means you can’t choose Multiclass Dabbler because you qualify for no special moves, then no.

    Personally, if I were GMing, I would say sure, you could take a starting move from another class. And to be honest, if someone playing the Earthling really wanted to take Multiclass Dabbler, I’d probably allow that too, if it made their character more interesting.

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