One of my players is playing his thief as a slap-sticky swindler without the grace and finesse of other thieves.
He’s very often drunk and so I’d like to give him a compendium class that’d give him a few benefits while intoxicated – has anybody come upon anything like that?
Sort of a “drunken master” kung fu playbook…
Jerkass of All Trades, Master of None
Shawn McCarthy Is there something like that?
A draft that might help you
Drunken Master
When you go on a three day drunken bender, and deal with the consequences, you may take “Drink like a demon” when you lvl up.
Ah, thanks Emir Pasanovic, can’t believe I had that in my DW-folder all this time! Thanks for letting me know
Victor Segell I only recently read it so my memory was still fresh.
you’re welcome.