The entire eleven-episode run of Song of the MIlk-White Putrescence is finished and available for you to listen to in its entirety. We have been getting a lot of terrific feedback on the show, and we think you’re going to like it a lot.
Thanks to the players in this series: Gerrit Reininghaus David LaFreniere Lowell Francis and Fraser Simons. And special thanks to Fraser for producing the podcast.
Just finished episode 7, really enjoying this series. Will there be any more after these 11 episodes?
Mike Harvey Yes! In fact, there are six more series after this.
Looking forward to it. I like the way the mechanics and specific moves often fade into the background. Sort of like a mix of World of Dungeons and Dungeon World. Very smooth.
Mike Harvey I run a lot of both, so no surprises there! Glad you’re enjoying it!