A player in a game starting tomorrow night just texted me asking if he can play a blind ranger who sees through his…

A player in a game starting tomorrow night just texted me asking if he can play a blind ranger who sees through his…

A player in a game starting tomorrow night just texted me asking if he can play a blind ranger who sees through his animal companion’s eyes.

I haven’t responded yet, but I THINK I’m going to say yes. I’ll give him Eyes of the Tiger from the Druid’s playbook: When you mark an animal (with mud, dirt, or blood) you can see through the animal’s eyes as if they were your own, no matter what distance separates you. Only one animal at a time may be marked in this way.

I like this better than just saying “Yeah, you see through your animal’s eyes” because it gives me an easy way to take his sight away with something that washes away the mark (like rain or being submerged).

I’m kind of looking forward to asking how he was blinded and how he developed this ability!

3 thoughts on “A player in a game starting tomorrow night just texted me asking if he can play a blind ranger who sees through his…”

  1. It also gives him the option of changing to a different animal for (say) scouting or infiltration purposes. Which I expect could be appreciated.

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