So about two weeks ago, in game time, my party was at a city called Whitestone, where the town guard asked them to help scout on a group of brigands causing trouble in the area. The party rejected the job since they had a dangerous McGaffin they wanted to return to its rightful owners.
Fast forward to the present, the “brigands front” have advanced, and Whitestone has fallen! The party got a message telling them to meet what remains of the city guard in another town.
In today session we got to the town, met the survives and learned what happens to the city (apparently the brigands worship some dark and crazy new god!). Next session there going to be the assault on Whitestone, in hopes of taking the city back and stopping the brigands from sacrificing a lot of people.
What I want to do is give each party member an opportunity to influence this assault. We have a Paladin – with a Quest to find the brigands leader and defeat their dark god(ess); Shaman (Grim World); Druid; Cleric; and a Bard.
The druid already suggested using Eyes of the Tiger to spy on the enemy in the city.
Our not-really-up to date campaign portal: – Main Page
Loving the map. Do you know the artist?
Donovan Peterson of course, I commissioned it
You can check the full ones,
Aviv Manoach thanks!
The Bard could need to boost the moral of a few townspeople outside the refugee city and try to form up a militia. The Druid could try to rally wild beasts to join in the fight. The shaman could gather the spirits of the dead from the attack to do the same.
Present these as problem:
The townspeople want to go back to find potential stragglers and valuables left behind put lack courage to do so.
The spirits block the way in and need to be convinced to join.
The beasts are scarred and angry because several of the invaders hunt them for sport and dark rituals and need to be calmed and reasoned with.
Just a few thoughts.
Good thoughts and interesting ides. Thank you.