Which Druid’s Born of the Soil represents Jungle terrain?
My reflex was to go for Sapphire Islands, but then I think it sounds more asian (I picture India+China+Japan-ish) (elephants, monkeys, pandas, tanuki, tigers, etc) than jungle-y (Africa, Central/South America, Pacific islands).
Great Forest was my second guess, but then again I picture more temperate forests.
Great forest could be Boreal forest, temperate forest, or jungle. I think that’s just a matter of who is playing the druid.
Japan doesn’t have jungles, but India is known for them, I think when you try you’ll remember a certain book, animated and recent ‘live action’ movie. Unlike lions, for example, tigers actually are jungle cats, and monkeys are hopefully essential in ALL jungles including Amazonian ones when you visualize them. Check out also Indian ocean islands.
Yeah, I know that. It’s just that to me in the Druid’s list of “terrains”, there isn’t a name that specifically seems to refer to this type of biome.
“My land? I hail from the Forgotten Jungles.”
“But that’s not on the list.”
“Well, they were forgotten you know”
Jeremy Strandberg It was more a question of “is jungle biome already implied in the list”. I know very well I can come up with my own names
Addramyr Palinor sure, of course. I’d go with the Great Forest. You can’t really assume that every possible biome will be clearly identified on a list, so you ask the player questions until you get the level of detail you need.
As a modestly competent Hindi speaker: the word ‘jungle’ itself comes from Sanskrit/Hindi ‘jangla’ (जङ्गल) which means literally ‘forest’. In India you call any forest a jungle so it makes sense for jungle to be implied there
After all, the jungle is the greatest forest!