Has anyone used Beyond the wall and other adventures playbooks for character creation for Dungeon World?

Has anyone used Beyond the wall and other adventures playbooks for character creation for Dungeon World?

Has anyone used Beyond the wall and other adventures playbooks for character creation for Dungeon World? I was thinking of using it for stats and bonds at character creation, just curious if it worked out.

11 thoughts on “Has anyone used Beyond the wall and other adventures playbooks for character creation for Dungeon World?”

  1. Jacob Kent no problem! I’m halfway through hacking together a new worldbuilding tool for DW (think BTW and Perilous Wilds world creation combined) so finding that link has been indeed a revelation.

  2. I migrated an active game from BtW to DW a few years back. I made custom playbooks for the players based on the possibilities in the book. I also did a list of custom background moves based on the villager character creation questions. I’ll post them when I get home tonight if you’re interested

  3. At a Con this past fall, I built lifepath generation inspired by Goblin Punch[1] into character creation for WoDu. I thought it was pretty cool but turns out it was just the self-satisfaction of a GM building a mini-game. The players didn’t really grok it and it sucked the air out of session startup.

    But I persist!

    It was really the incessant die rolling and disconnected mechanics that caused the issue – in the end, the lifepath generation didn’t feel PbtA. So I reduced a whole bunch of the tables down to a small number of brief personal questions organized by developmental era (e.g. adolescence). Players choose the important questions at each phase and answer them, with the answers corresponding to stat adjustments.

    Example: Adolescence – “You were bullied (DEX) or were a bully (STR). Learn Leadership”. If a player chooses “bullied” then they get +1 DEX and -1 STR and the skill indicated (see WoDu re: skills). All the modifiers are summed at the end leading to ranges similar to the traditional DW stat array.

    I’m excited by this (but I was before)…

    [1] http://goblinpunch.blogspot.com/2014/02/career-paths-for-3d6-fantasy.htmlgoblinpunch.blogspot.com – Career Paths for 3d6 Fantasy

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