What playbook is closest to the d&d 5e sorcerer? Here’s their description :
Magic is a part of every sorcerer, suffusing body, mind, and spirit with a latent power that waits to be tapped. Some sorcerers wield magic that springs from an ancient bloodline infused with magic. Others carry a raw, uncontrolled magic within them, a chaotic storm that manifests in unexpected ways.
I’ve checked some elementalist playbooks but they’re meh.
I’m looking more for something about wild magic.
So, not sure if this works for you… But I did make a sorcerer for DW based on 5e’s.
drive.google.com – The Sorcerer.pdf
Was it in the minimalist playbook bundle?
Yochai Gal that seems top notch in a pinch! I’ll study this more closely when life stop happening lol many thanks!
Addramyr Palinor let me know what you think. It still hasn’t been playtested, to my knowledge.
Michael Guerra I’ll check this out thanks
Yochai Gal I’ve looked at it and I like it very much although the one thing that bothers me from reading is Arcane Meditation that doesn’t restrict when, how or where you can use this move, making it too easy to replenish mana imho. I’d restrict it to:
When you spend a few minutes at a place of power, attuning yourself to the magical energy around you …
That way the sorcerer cannot just meditate a few minute after each scene to replenish his mana and thus doesn’t make spending mana just a minor nuisance.
Subsequently, it means it would need a small adjustment to Thaumaturge too.
Yeah, this went through about 30 iterations… it used to require a few minutes, but then people didn’t like that they couldn’t regenerate in battle. Of course, that was a while ago, and I’ve completely rewritten it since then.
Place of Power is way to restrictive; as the Cast a Spell mechanic relies on MANA which is spent very rapidly (usually on a 7-9).
Yeah well haven’t tested out so it might be a none issue. Thing is, on a 7-9 the player chooses so the way I see it, a player will never choose to run out of mana. They would likely choose this option once or twice, making sure to leave enough to use all their moves at least once. Also they replenish mana on Making Camp (which I feel would be the main way to do so). Anyway, I’ll try it out and I’ll let you know how it turned out!
Spotted a typo btw
The past is a script, first bullet should be event
Those affected by the even will know that something has changed
Addramyr Palinor Fixed!
The past is a script, do you feel there should be a restriction? What would prevent a player to use it to try to advert all and any event that don’t go as they like? Personally I’d probably throw a very angry god or powerful being after him (would make it an impending doom) for consistently messing with fate
The restriction is that you have 2 consequences on a 7-9… you’re suggesting it should have another?
Also, it requires WIS, which is not the playbook’s primary stat (it’s CHA).
So you’re saying, no matter what, something bad should happen?
Perhaps: If you attempt to use this ability too often, Fate will push back.
Nah not another consequence but as you said maybe add just a few words implying that it’s probably not a good idea to rely on it too often. I’d let the real meaning of these words open to interpretation (both gm and players)
Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll think on how to best phrase.
Small presentation inconsistency : the spell Lightning is in small case while all other spells are uppercase
Addramyr Palinor OK, fixed; I also added some language to The Past is A Script.
I love the feedback!
Love the wording for The Past is a Script. It’s vague and foreboding! Thanks a lot!