Here are some of the latest moves for our practically GM-less FotF campaign.

Here are some of the latest moves for our practically GM-less FotF campaign.

Here are some of the latest moves for our practically GM-less FotF campaign.



When you Level Up, take a turn at the Microscope game that interacts with our campaign world. You may create a period, event, or scene. Every five levels, you get a double turn, as if you were the “lens”, and every other player at the table gets to follow you with a turn of their own.


When you want to establish something about the game world that’s at a macro-level—something that your character should be able to establish or perceive—say what it is and then roll +nothing:

(+) It’s true and then some. Establish 2 or 3 facts/details about the subject.

(=) What you say is true. Establish 1 fact/detail about the subject.

(–) It isn’t true.

3 thoughts on “Here are some of the latest moves for our practically GM-less FotF campaign.”

  1. The second move is interesting, though I would change up the results for 7-9 and 6-. Weak hits and misses should make things complicated, not negate. How about letting the GM establish 1 thing on a 7-9? Likewise for a miss, though not sure how I’d write that offhand.

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