We are proud to announce the first ever public playtest of Worlds of Adventure!
What is this?
Worlds of Adventure is an ongoing project to present a simplified, tightened ruleset for Dungeon World that builds on the strengths and themes of the original game, while incorporating newer ideas and designs made popular since the game’s original release. In Worlds of Adventure, we try to enhance those rules that facilitate roleplay, simplicity, and flexibility, while keeping true to Dungeon World’s roots. The ruleset for Worlds of Adventure is meant to both supercede and take precedence over those of Dungeon World.
You can read a summary of these changes in the Introduction section of the document.
Please remember that this is just an early playtest; many of these rules are expected to change and adjust based on community feedback.
Thanks, and please send us your comments & suggestions!
Our team: Muggins AU, Nicolas Derom, Greg Soper, & me, Yochai Gal
Uh uh uh, impressive work. I think this can be seen as “the houserules collection that many GMs did for their Dungeon World games”.
Great work guys! I shared in Italian DW Community because I was very interested and impressed about your work and the Italian people comments are very good. Few of us are curious about the cleric/wizard casting capacity design choice: why they have to pay “consequences” on 7+? We can understand on 7/9 but on 10+? Thanks for your time and please keep working on the system
Ps typo on wizard cast spell move :” ● The power drains you. You take -1 Ongoing to Invoke until” … I think “invoke could be ” cast”.
First I had heard of this. Joined the community, will look at the document later today or over the weekend.
Just found this, looking forward to try and get a playtest session together with my regular group (they love DW, so we’ll see where they pick things apart here). The only thing that I see odd is the Ranger’s Ruthless Slayer move.
A great move, very flavorful. However, the Take Something Important option seems like it could be abused. What’s to stop a player from saying “their head” and stopping an encounter right then and there? Against a horde of orcs, I could totally see this as valid and makes the player feel like Aragon. Against a mighty dragon… let so.
Now I imagine that there’s some narrative positioning needed here obviously, but none of that is spelled out in the move. I could see someone who’s just playing WoA for the first time think themselves clever when they decide to go all Head Lopper on every situation and then feel like their cool thing is getting mangled by a vindictive GM who tells them “Well first you’re going to have to get in past the beast’s razor-sharp claws…” I know that fulfills the “Tell them the requirements or consequences and ask” GM move, but it still seems like there needs to be something added to playbook move that implies that there may be risk involved in what the player is attempting.
Michael Williams thanks for your input!
I’ve seen that move used before (we took inspiration for the Ranger from a few other playbooks, including two versions of the Slayer) and my experience has been that players take something small; a horn, claw, etc.
It’s an interesting thought, though. Also, is it bad that the move is so powerful?
Bad? Not really. Though I imagine someone might feel like dragons are no big deal when you start off the encounter with one with “The fire-breathing menace who’s plagued these lands for generations rears back and releases an intimidating gout of flame. Ranger, what do you do?” “I run forward and relieve the dragon of its head. I’m going to spend my Readiness point to take something important.” “The mighty dragon roars as you hack at its neck and then falls over dead as you severe the head from the rest of the body. Wizard, what do you do?” “Try not to let the gore hit me.”
Again, I completely realize that the issue could be completely averted with good play and player buy-in. There could be death throes to deal with (a massive beast dying is going to cause some collateral destruction) and nothing in the move says that this is instantaneous so while the Ranger is hacking at that neck, the rest of the party needs to keep him safe and distract the dragon until its head is removed. I’m just asking for the new GM who doesn’t know how to react when their mighty behemoth that has plagued the realm for generations falls without someone rolling dice (technically). A little text in there prompting some possible difficulties with this option or saying that the GM may offer some requirements could go a long way.
With the more filled out sheets for Followers, animal companions and Familiars, dies this mean that the Players get to make moves for them as well? There are rules for Followers, but there is no distinction, and some of the templets have a +1 when they fight with you, which makes them more like the old rules, but you also have hit points and damager and stuff like that, so are they played as additional characters controlled by the player?
Seth Halbeisen A delayed response here, but: Animal Companions and Familiars use the standard Follower rules. This means they have HP, Damage, Armour, and Load, as well as their own Tags and Moves. You use them through the Follower moves found in the playkit, which also explains what stats like Quality and Loyalty are for.
Hi guys, new GM here, I hope I’m going to test this ruleset soon. I’d have a question, I’m looking at the wizard’s booklet and I can’t find the number for the starting spells, is it three like vanilla DW? Thanks for your work!
Francesco Liedl They start with two in Worlds of Adventure. The progression is noted on the spells insert, in grey.
Francesco Liedl it’s in the Appendix A Inserts.
Hey guys, thanks for the quickest reply!