More illustrations of Dungeon World stuff. This time, a frogman.
Originally shared by Jim Jones
Here’s the finished piece for my fourth day of #Inktober. Twenty seven more to go in #Inktober2017. I will be making drawings of #DungeonWorld monsters, magical items, and gear. I had a lot of fun and saw some improvement while doing it last year.
I wanted to do !y take on the frogman. I decided to base it on a poison dart frog and I think it turned out alright. I am challenging myself with poses and lighting that will help me improve if I can pull the off. I am also messing around with some markers. Let me know what you think.
This is also the month leading up to the sixth annual St Peter’s 24 Hour Extra Life Board Game Marathon benefitting Riley Hospital for Children, which is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. Riley saved my youngest daughter’s life through a cranial reconstruction surgery when she was just over a year old. Riley does amazing work for the children of Indiana as well as all those that are referred to its specialists and come from all over the world. It has one of the best pediatric diabetes centers in the United States and its Children’s Cancer Center is a national leader in the clinical cancer care and conducting research in the treatment and cure of childhood cancer and blood born illnesses. Our board game marathon is like a charity run, walk-a-thon, or dance-a-thon. Players find sponsors and then play board games for twenty four hours. All the money raised through our sponsored players and our game marathon weekend go directly to Riley Hospital. Over the past five years, our generous donors have helped us raise over $32,700 for Riley.
If you like my Inktober drawings, please consider sponsoring me as a player and donating through my #ExtraLife page at http://extra-life.org/participant/jimjones. This year, I will be raffling off my drawings when I reach each $100 milestone. Each donor that helped reach that point will be entered to win. Watch my Extra Life page for details.
Riley is close to my family’s heart and your support means a great deal to me. Thank you.