Tried my hand at some Dyson-esque cartography. Let me know if it is any good!
Tried my hand at some Dyson-esque cartography. Let me know if it is any good!
Tried my hand at some Dyson-esque cartography. Let me know if it is any good!
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Looks fantastic!
“Let me know if it is any good.”
Uh, yeah. Yeah, it’s good. It’s very good.
Yup that’ll do!
That’s boss.
That looks pretty good to me.

It’s amazing what some crosshatching and depth do for a map! Great work on the detail!
Talent! I can doodle, and I’m telling ya, you could do the patreon thing if you have the time and work ethic. This is really well crafted!
Jordi C No, I can’t do the Patreon thing because this art style is already “copyrighted” and it would be rude and illegal to start a page with someone else’s style of artwork. (Dyson Logos)
Samuel Aguirre Dyson Logos I dunno, Dyson what do you think?