Originally shared by Jim Jones
Even more work on the Escaping Kazarak Encounter List: The Tidal Wave of Mice
So I worked on the Tidal Wave of Mice encounter. I think it could be fun, but I don’t know if it should be at number 7.
Tidal Wave of Mice
A tidal wave of mice, more mice than you have ever seen in your life, comes rushing out of every open crevice and from the path behind you. The scurrying mass has only one agenda, escape! The party stands between it and the exit. Have each character describe how they are going to react to this situation and roll Defy Danger plus the appropriate modifier based on their description. On a 10+, they succeed! Describe what happens.
On a 7 – 9, choose 1, On a 6-, choose 2:
+ They lose their footing and are trampled by the mice, slowing their progress. The Hillar and Eyrok demon battle will take an additional turn ignoring one call to roll on this checklist before the characters progress. If called for, the titan still takes d6 damage and loses 2 sacrifice.
+ They stumble and drop a random item that is carried away by the rush of mice. Have the players write down their most treasured item they have on them. Roll d6 to identify the item carried away:
+ 1 – 1 Dungeon rations use
+ 2 – Shield or helmet
+ 3 – Weapon or instrument in hand
+ 4 – Book or scroll
+ 5 – Potion
+ 6 – Most treasured item
+ They fall and are carried away on the mouse wave and eventually deposited in some random corner of Kazarak. They must make an additional roll on the Escaping Kazarak Encounter Checklist in order to return to the party. These encounters are not checked off if escaped or resolved by the character.