And here’s the Thrall, a “compendium” (insert) class for #Stonetop, which is one of the ways you can escape death’s door when your time is up (other way: become a ghost or a revenant).
I’m pretty pleased with the Impulse/Favor mechanic… I think it could work pretty well for a D&D-4/5e style warlock, one who’s patron really has their hooks into the PC.
Anyhow… feedback and questions appreciated!
Originally shared by Jeremy Strandberg
The Thrall
In #Stonetop, we use Death’s Door instead of Last Breath. And here’s what happens on a 6-:
On a 6-, your time has come. Choose 1:
• Step willingly through the Black Gates
• Refuse to go; gain the Revenant or Ghost insert (your choice)
• Call on one of the Things Below by name and beseech it to intercede; gain the Thrall insert
The Ghost and Revenant have been done for a long time, but I’ve been putting off the Thrall for a few reasons. I wasn’t quite sure where on the “dead man walking” vs. “sorcerer” spectrum I wanted to go. I wanted the specific Thing Below that you made a deal with to be important, but didn’t want to give up on their ambiguous, mysterious nature. A fair number of the Things Below are associated with Major Arcana, and didn’t want to crowd those out (either their moves or their consequences). And, of course, I wanted it to all fit onto one 1/2 sheet, front & back.
I’m basically using my rules for long-term enchantment & mind control for this (from here, but with Favor instead XP. The GM picks the Impulse and the first Mark, allowing them to set the initial tone for this specific Thing Below.
As you continue as a Thrall, you both gain new Marks and lose access to future marks, sort of burning the candle at both ends. When you run out, you’re done. You’re no longer a PC; you’re a monster now.
Anyhow… I’m honestly not sure if anyone would every actually choose this insert. I’m almost positive that none of the players in my long-running game would (well… maybe one of them). But that’s okay: I’m pretty sure that the mere _existence of this insert adds texture to the game, establishing part of the mythology in a way that describing sorcery just couldn’t quite do.
As always, feedback and questions are welcome and appreciated!
That’s pretty damn cool, in a horrifying way