The hunter recently reached Best Silver Seller on #DrivethruRPG.

The hunter recently reached Best Silver Seller on #DrivethruRPG.

Originally shared by Dwarfare Games

The hunter recently reached Best Silver Seller on #DrivethruRPG. If you acquired the playbook, what did you like about it? What didn’t you like? What would you like to change? Would you like to get update artwork as seen in the most recent products? Let us know! #dungeonworld–A-Dungeon-World-Playbook

3 thoughts on “The hunter recently reached Best Silver Seller on #DrivethruRPG.”

  1. Matthew Everhart Anything in particular about it that you dont like? Do you prefer how I drew before?

    I’ve never been really good at drawing and I have been experimenting with new styles, so any input is appreciated.

  2. The newer, flat, vector-looking art is too stylistic for my preference, is all. I much prefer the Hunter illustration above to the covers of Sulindal, the Auramancer, etc. Just my 2c tho. 😀

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