In the latest version of my Fourth World hack, I found it useful to reword the Hack and Slash move. The actual move is exactly the same, mechanically, just worded differently. Why? Because it becomes easier to hack. (And, frankly, because the new wording is more in line with how other moves are phrased). I thought the change might be useful somebody. New text is:
“When you attack an enemy in mêlée, roll+STR. On a hit, you deal your damage to the enemy and the enemy makes an attack against you. On a 10+ you also select one of the following choices:
• avoid their attack
• deal +1d6 damage”
You can immediately see at least two ways that other moves can alter/enhance Hack and Slash using common phrasing, rather than the odd “if/then” type of wording they need now:
1) Add additional choices. Moves can just say “add these choices to the Hack and Slash list” instead of the cumbersome “on a 10+ if you choose to take the enemy’s attack, instead of doing extra damage you can…” or something like that. Fourth World has several examples of this type of move.
2) Make more choices. Such as “When you hack and slash on a 12+, make an additional choice”.
The fighter’s Superior Warrior move would actually do both of these, something like: “When you hack and slash on a 12+ you make an additional choice and add this choice to the list: impress, dismay, or frighten your enemy”
When you hack and slash on a 12+ you deal your damage, avoid their attack, and impress, dismay, or frighten your enemy.
it’s a much cleaner way of writing it, thanks.
Here is a link for the text, if you need such a thing:
Add this to #DungeonWorld2ndEd
Are you still working on the #fourthworld Lester Ward?
One of the best #dungeonworld #hacks I have seen so far. Maybe a little biased by my love for the #earthdawn setting.
I think I read somewhere that you wanted to include #PerilousWilds elements besides the ones you integrated from #MmountedCombat
I’m not actively tinkering at the moment. I’d like to hear more about people’s experiences playing (and play it more myself) before I do so.
Easiest way to track it is its tag on my blog, – Fourth World | DivNull Productions
Thanks for the hint – at the moment I GM a game of #Earthdawn 4th edition and play in a game of #DungeonWorld. I really would like to give the #FourthWorld a try as it seems to be a really good fusion.
From the entries it seems you Lester Wardupdated it once per year between March and May