I’m actually surprised at the lack of Necromancer classes for DW, obviously there are a few of them, but none of the really do the “horde of undead” thing I like about necromancers in video games and movies and what have you.
This one I made is also kind of a Ghost playbook, with moves for being incorporial and the like, but mainly with a focus on summon undead monsters, doing creepy stuff, and messing with Death.
Interesting take on the necromancer. I myself am working on one to be released in the future. A few observations and opinions:
More than seeing the advanced moves, id much rather see the starting moves, alignment options, and bonds which are the core of any class. I see your necromancer some has lich elements.
Not having starting gear seems odd to me, even if he can will them into existence at will.
Also, the cover doesn’t really convey that it is a necromancer or some sort of necromantic spell. It looks like some sort of spider image that was traced and vectorized on illustrator.
The shades move makes reference to the shadow being semi intelligent and deadly in combat but does not say in what way as opposed to the flesh golem move.
Other than that, I do see some interesting moves like horde and darkness spread and others that may require some work. Did you receive any form of feedback before putting it on sale?
Victor Julio Hurtado Hey thanks for the feedback, thats a great point regarding the preview, I’ll switch it up!
Lets see – not having starting gear is intentionally supposed to be a bit weird, they’re able to do stuff with equipment via other shades and their summons tho so. The cover is legit one of the things people like the most tbh, but it was vectorized over some wonderful CC art.
The shades I see as a narrative thing, but you’re right, completely and it doesnt really jive well that way, and I’ve had more than one comment about codifying their abilities, I’ll make sure to do so when I update it to change the preview.
Glad you like the look of it, its actually built off of a class my friend and I built for him through a campaign – he started as a necromancer, then died, then died again as a ghost and wanted to be a sort of resurrected ghost necromancer hybrid, and here we are! Besides that fairly long playtest, I’ve had two other playtesters run one-offs at cons with it, as I do with all my sheets.