Played in a fantastic one-shot DM’d by Damian Jankowski, with “co-stars” Chris Gill and Mark Weis (who I can’t tag…

Played in a fantastic one-shot DM’d by Damian Jankowski, with “co-stars” Chris Gill and Mark Weis (who I can’t tag…

Played in a fantastic one-shot DM’d by Damian Jankowski, with “co-stars” Chris Gill and Mark Weis (who I can’t tag right now because G+ does this stupid thing all the time where it doesn’t let me tag someone who I KNOW I’ve tagged before!!!!!). It ended about 5 hours ago (so why the hell am I awake??) and was possibly the most fun I’ve ever had in a session.

The story took place in a world we built for a one-shot several months ago – including many elements from that story and even one of the same PC’s – and occurred 10 – 20 years later. The world had changed in some major ways and the character I played in that game had died at some point between the two stories.

Playing two one-shots in the same world, with characters and events in common, separated by a large chunk of time feels really cool, like we’re playing out an epic story similar to Issac Asimov’s Foundation series. The first book was five stories (that I think he had written at different times) spread over a huge block of time, and a total of 500 or 600 years took place over the trilogy (not counting any of the Foundation books he wrote later in life, or that series marriage with his Robot series which takes the entire story up to several THOUSAND years of elapsed time).

This is something I want to talk about with my own play group; the idea that we can play out an epic story with lots of different characters and points in time as a series of one-shots, or “mini-campaigns” of 2 to 3 sessions.

Is anyone doing anything like this now? Any tips or advice anyone can offer?

2 thoughts on “Played in a fantastic one-shot DM’d by Damian Jankowski, with “co-stars” Chris Gill and Mark Weis (who I can’t tag…”

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