Did someone try to play Curse of Strahd with Dungeon World rules? Which fronts would you choose? I guess it would be better to let the players find diferent ways to exit Barovia apart from the regular one(that is to kill strahd). What do you think? I would like to ver your experiencies.
Did someone try to play Curse of Strahd with Dungeon World rules?
Did someone try to play Curse of Strahd with Dungeon World rules?
I’ve run Curse of Strahd, but for D&D. Let me know if I can help somehow (I have a ton of resources/maps).
I think Delos ran adventures based on the old Ravenloft modules. ramblingsofjacobanddelos.com – Dungeon World Archives – Ramblings of Jacob and Delos
My mistake, it was David Guyll; http://daegames.blogspot.com/2013/01/dungeon-world-expedition-to-castle.html
Mark Tygart thank you for the link. Yochai Gal thanks for your offer.
Some thoughts:
In CoS, the players can really go anywhere they want in Barovia. The Tarroka cards help determine where some of the key elements are, of course – an ally, a powerful item, the location of a secret weapon, and Strahd’s grave. You could work those into the game, and then just “leave blanks” – and it would work pretty well! There are a couple of key “Fronts” that should happen; most of what happens ins Vallaki and Krezk is necessary; also Argynvostholt and Castle Ravenloft. You can keep things like The Wizard of Wines storyline and the Amber Temple out of it, I think.
Fronts would be: Strahd, as he toys with the players; The Druid Cultists; and maybe the Revenants.
Yochai Gal interesting thoughts
slyflourish.com – Running Ravenloft: Sly Flourish Just found this
Mark Tygart nice