The Skull of Sir Sylvestre
1 Weight
The boisterous talking skull of an ancient explorer, discovered among a monster’s treasure hoard. Through some fluke of fate, it would seem that death passed over Sylvestre after his decapitation (though he’s decidedly cagey about what cost him his head) and left his spirit clinging to his skull. Countless famed adventurers have used Sylvestre’s skull to guide their journeys over the ages, and his accumulated knowledge of the world’s most obscure reaches is unrivaled in nearly all regards. He’s been almost everywhere at least once.
Sylvestre knows the best route to anywhere you may want to go, and he’s more than willing to impart his centuries of travelling experience to the explorers of the modern age – but only those who prove themselves to be pleasant company. When you are the trailblazer on a perilous journey and work with Sir Sylvestre to plan the trip, roll +CHA instead of +WIS. On a +10, in addition to reducing the time it takes to get there, Sylvestre recalls a useful and valuable fact about where you’re going. On a miss, you make an awful impression on Sylvestre. Tell the GM what started the argument that derailed your trip, and in addition to whatever consequences result from the failed journey take a -1 ongoing to moves made with the skull until the two of you make up.
That’s a really cool item