I would SWEAR I just saw a post on bonds being replaced with flags and pointing to a google doc of flags for reference. I now cannot find such a thing to save my life? Anyone?
I would SWEAR I just saw a post on bonds being replaced with flags and pointing to a google doc of flags for…
I would SWEAR I just saw a post on bonds being replaced with flags and pointing to a google doc of flags for…
Scott Selvidge as made a nice doc on the subject. I’m sure he would be happy to share it with you.
drive.google.com – Flags.pdf – Google Drive
Thanks Scott Selvidge. I’m pretty sure you just make one happy customer.
Maxime Lacoste more than one!
Thanks Scott!
Don’t forget you mark exp when you hit other people’s flag. Not when you’re flags get hit.
The GM should ask each player in turn at the end of the session who they think triggered their flags. It’s that person that marks exp.
Some GM allow you to gain 1 exp per session this way no matter how many flags you triggered. Others give 1exp per flag triggered. I would limit it to 1exp per player. So in a party of 4 you could mark up to 3 exp by hiting every other characters flags at least once.
And I tend to make it where both players get to mark XP for the flag. But you only get to do it once for each other player.
1) link to a page/pdf describing how flags are to be used? 2) if not, do you change out flags once they’ve been hit? thx!
Sherman S I have them replace bonds, which means the player gets as many flags as they would bonds. And no, flags can be reused. Until the player decides it no longer applies to their character, then they can change one to a new flag if they want (probably during end of session to avoid disrupting gameplay).
You try to hit your fellow characters Flags. There like buttons you can press. They tell you what the other players want to see being addressed in play. You can subtly roleplay toward it or have a meta conversation with the group and then play out the scene. These are great during Making Camp or Carouse moves but can come up in play pretty much anytime it makes sense in the fiction.
Very interesting! In my ongoing campaign we find it a bit difficult to use bonds – depends on the group, I guess. Maybe the flag system will work better!
So how do you manage you Interfer Move, when you don’t have bonds anymore? Always Roll+0?
You use the must appropriate stat as described by the character in the fiction. Exactly the same process as Defy Danger.
Aha… I would not use the normal stats for aid/interfere. I would let the other players explain how they push the aided character’s buttons, motivating – or demotivating – them for the action. I’ll normally convey a +1 to the roll.