Looking for some clarification on piercing damage.

Looking for some clarification on piercing damage.

Looking for some clarification on piercing damage. I’ve been using it as something that ignores armor. I’m gm’ing and the fighter has 2 piercing damage. She rolled 6 on her damage roll against an enemy with 2 armor. My end tally of damage was 6. 6-2 armor for 4 damage +2 that ignored armor. Players had fun and couldn’t care less but it’s bothering me that I don’t think I’m doing this correctly.

6 thoughts on “Looking for some clarification on piercing damage.”

  1. According to the rules:

    n Piercing: It goes right through armor. When you deal damage with n piercing, you subtract n from the enemy’s armor for that attack.

    You’re doing it right.

  2. Yochai Gal You are right, but i don’t think that’s what he was saying. I think he was saying. If i understand Mario Morales’s wording, he was applying damage as normal, and then adding the piercing damage as if it ignored armor.

  3. I think your outcome was right, but I think there’s a better way to think of it. If I roll 6 damage with 2 piercing against somebody with 2 armor, I think 2 armor-2 piercing = 0. 6 damage- 0 armor = 6 damage.

    (This becomes important if they have only 1 armor, for example. 1 armor- 2 piercing means 0 armor, for the same 6 damage–not 7 damage.)

  4. Carl Gerriets OK. That’s exactly why I wondered. So piercing isn’t damaging by itself, it’s more like a measure of how far through the armor you get with your attack.

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