What’s the best move to handle someone shouting to distract a monster from their teammate?
I initially thought Defend, because they’re trying to protect a teammate. But the nearby requirement doesn’t fit.
They’re not really Defying Danger, either. Well, maybe the danger is “The monster doesn’t notice you and keeps eating your friend” but that seems forced.
What do you experts think?
No I actually think the failure here would be your intimidating voice doesn’t get its notice, it seems like cold hard steel is the way to go.
Defy Danger +CHA I would day. Of course if you think its fictionally appropriate that it would be distracted. If not you just say to them I’m afraid it’s not going to work.
They’re helping their teammate, right? Why not Aid/Interfere.
I don’t think that’s a move at all. The GM will just react according to what honesty, rules and (especially) preps demand. So if the GM thinks, the monster will react to it, it will. Doing risky stuff like this, that is not covered by the Moves, is the usual way to tell the GM: make a move, react to me.
Of course, you basically give the GM permission to even react with a hard move. That’s why distracting a monster is so dangerous.
Probably aid/interfere
Chris Stone-Bush Damn that makes sense a lot more.
Stefan Droste I don’t know if I agree kind of goes against rolling the dice somewhat really. Yes sometimes you don’t roll the dice. But clearly in this case you would want to to see if it attacks the friend or you, or does something different.
james day Sure, if you distract the monster in order that your friend can do something else (better), it’s aid/interfere.
But if it’s just about who the monster will charge at, there simply is no move that allows you to do this in a controlled way.
Also, the Barbarian has a class move that does exactly this (“What are you waiting for.”). So anyone else would just be tempting fate there – GM move.
I actually think that Aid/Interfere, Defy Danger, and a GM Move are all valid ways to do it.
I second Chris Stone-Bush on this. All of these are valid, just make sure the monster would be distracted in the fiction by each type of assistance. If it can’t hear the other player or it is too dumb/mindless/etc, that kind of help wouldn’t really give any results.
my first reaction was also no roll. Aid also works.
I think Stefan Droste needs a bit more consideration here. While this easily could be Aid/Interfere, the aid has to be meaningful. Yelling at a monster might not always actually DO anything. So while it’s totally cool to call it Aid/Interfere, it’s still up to the GM is shouting triggers the move.
You could make a custom move, too:
When you scream and shout to distract your ally’s opponent, roll Aid or Interfere using +Cha instead of +Bond.
I like the new move approach.
Thanks for all the comments! I guess this is like the “I swing my sword at it” examples in the book, where you have to drill down before making the call. Maybe they’re trying to take the attack, help their friend, or something else.
Also, Chris Stone-Bush are you the hyvemind they talk about on Happy Jack’s?
Indeed I am Chris Woods. I haven’t been to the forums nor listened to an episode in a while. Hopefully you’re hearing good things.
This might be interesting as well:
plus.google.com – Quick question for you guys; how would you as GMs/PCs handle stuff like a…
It’s about how to handle characters trying things that are classmoves for others (Fighter pickpocketing, but could also apply to Taunting for non-Barbarians). Adam Koebel answered in this one, too.
Quote: “Without a move, generally you’re stuck trying to fictionally position your way to success. You say what you want to do, the GM makes a move.”
Clearly the move to use is Parley, and your leverage is “I’m more delicious”.
On a 7-9, the GM will tell you what you have to do to look more delicious.
Paul Arezina I love it!