Hey folks, has anyone made a Beholder for Dungeon World? How would you handle its multiple eyestalks, each shooting a different kind of attack?
If there’s one thing I miss from D&D is this amazing monster, I’m a big fan of beholders : P
Hey folks, has anyone made a Beholder for Dungeon World?
Hey folks, has anyone made a Beholder for Dungeon World? How would you handle its multiple eyestalks, each shooting a different kind of attack?
If there’s one thing I miss from D&D is this amazing monster, I’m a big fan of beholders : P
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I did something similar with a monster, and I just had a random list of eye effects.
“Eye” agree with Tony Tucker that a random table determined by rolling a die with the same amount of sides as the number of effects would work well, however a monster move such as “Affect someone with one of its eyestalks” would work just as well. The benefit being you can come up with whatever effect you want on the fly. Other moves could be “See the truth of things” or “Draw their gaze” to affect them with the main eye. Instinct would be something like “To bear witness to the passing of events” or “Seek out magical power” if I remember my lore for them. Special abilities would be like “All-around Vision”, “Levitation”, and maybe “Magic Resistant”. I used one that the players got frustrated with because it could see and attack them on all of its sides. Paralyzed one hireling and polymorphed the other into a dog-sized spider. It was an interesting encounter. They finally figured out the mind flayer mage had its life bound to the beholder, so they threw all their damage at him and made the beholder explode before taking down the flayer.
See Dirk Detweiler Leichty’s Chromatic Tentacula and just do that.
Edit: https://plus.google.com/u/0/107200488853215420475/posts/EVVSiMBsNaD
Victor Diaz that’s a good one!