Sage LaTorra Adam Koebel has something changed on the Dungeon World Tavern lately, particularly regarding spam…

Sage LaTorra Adam Koebel has something changed on the Dungeon World Tavern lately, particularly regarding spam…

Sage LaTorra Adam Koebel has something changed on the Dungeon World Tavern lately, particularly regarding spam filters?

I’ve now seen two instances of folks saying that they posted on the Tavern but the post got lost. And now I’ve seen the same thing on one of my own posts. Are these posts getting tagged for spam review or something like that?

(I can probably track down links if it’d help.)

6 thoughts on “Sage LaTorra Adam Koebel has something changed on the Dungeon World Tavern lately, particularly regarding spam…”

  1. Some? One to DriveThru (I think). Mine had a link to the DWgazetteer. The third had no links.

    All three seem to have returned to the main DW Tavern page if you go to it directly. But if you choose one of the topic filters, not all the posts from that topic are there. And if you go back to All Posts… some aren’t there. Then relaunch the page… some are there again.

    So… this seems to be just more of the ongoing G+ shenanigans, and not anything to do with the Tavern itself.

  2. We must gather our strongest adventurers and form a fellowship, this quest against G+ will not be an easy one. But, I’ve no doubt in my mind. Those brave enough, will embark on this journey and Conquer the Viral of The Internet.

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