Who’s interested in a one-shot on Monday starting somewhere around 10am-Noon EST? I’ll be GMing. Looking for 3-4 players.
All playbooks allowed, just let me look then over for 3rd party books. The more creative characters, there better! I appreciate a lot of RP.
If someone is interested in play testing my current Chronicler playbook, that would be really great as well!
I’d love to get more DW in but 10 A.M. on a Monday is a hard sell…
I have the day off for MLK. I figured others might as well. It could start a bit later in the day if that helps but probably no later than noon.
Forgot Monday was a holiday. How long will it run?
3-4 hours.
Welp, looks like I’m in. Let me know when/where you want the sheet.
What did you choose for a playbook? You can just post the link here. What’s your background with DW? Played at least a few times already?
I’ve run 2 one-shots for my regular gaming group.
I might be in, depending on a few things this weekend. What platform would the game be on? (Skype/roll20/irc, etc)
Roll20 / hangouts
This still happening?
I’m up for it if it’s still on.
Yep, we have 3. 4 with Vinney Cavallo if he’s interested.
Vinny, can you pick a playbook and link me to it tonight?
Mark Weis could you let me know tonight what your alignment and any other choices you made are for your playbooks? No rush.
Damian Jankowski I’ll be choosing one of the base play books. Which are available?
Vinney Cavallo we have a thief, cannoneer, and bard currently in the party.
Damian Jankowski nice. I’ll likely go Fighter or Barbarian then. I’ll let you know.
Sure thing, post your alignment and any other playbook choices here for me tonight at some point so I can look over them (things like sig weapon, etc.)
So we will start around 11:30am EST tomorrow if that’s cool with everyone?
I’m down. Still need a roll20 link.
That works yea. What else do we need? Any links or anything?
Damian Jankowski May I get the Roll20 link at 11? I need to check my setup.
Linked it on the other post.
This was excellent, thanks! Looking forward to future games.