Just GMed my first ever DW game. It was a hot mess, but you have to start somewhere, right?
Cheers, and Merry Christmas!
Just GMed my first ever DW game. It was a hot mess, but you have to start somewhere, right?
Just GMed my first ever DW game. It was a hot mess, but you have to start somewhere, right?
Cheers, and Merry Christmas!
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+1 for hot messes!
Congrats! Hot mess totally sums up my GM style!
Congratulations! The only place to go from “hot mess” is better.
I did it wrong. I did lots of research and watched several other games to understand how GM’ing should function before getting into it. So I missed out on that messy fun others get to experience.
I did the same thing
Keep reading the system and it’ll slowly get smoother.
I remember my first session. I didn’t even know how to award experience. I just gave it out when someone did something I thought was neat. I quickly did my research and corrected that after a few times though lol. Congratulations and happy holidays!
I’m thinking back and it was embarrassingly bad, guys. Like, I forgot to have them roll damage when in combat, bad. Not a big deal this time because their enemies were baby acid spiders with 5hp, but still. So bad.
I tend to roll the monster damage when I GM anyways. Mainly because I just like to roll dice too lol
youtube.com – Risk is our Business
One session does not a campaign make. The main thing is whether everyone had fun at the table.
If you’ve never run a game before, it’s going to be rough no matter what. If you and your players had fun, and you learned from it, that’s what matters. Keep at it and it gets way easier. The less I try to do “my thing”, the better I find Dungeon World works out.
It always is, you will get better in a few sessions
Everyone already said what I wanted to say.
I hope you and your players had fun!
Patrick Schenk I wouldn’t call that wrong. You took time to research so you could provide a better experience for your players.
Rebecca Her Nice! The first few games are messy no matter but you learn a lot. I recommend if you have the commute time to listen to recorded actual play podcasts. All manner of tricks and techniques to inspire and borrow.
Any game where everyone has fun is a success. Even when we think we did a poor job GMing, the players may fill it with their imagination and have a great ol’ time.
Mark XP
Rebecca Her congratulations on being brave and getting the ball rolling even if you were not perfectly prepared. That seems to be the whole point of DW, from my admittedly n00b view, that too much prep can lead to too much GM-railroading, so just wing it and Play To See What Happens.
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