Hi all, new to G+ and may be a little spoiled by reddit’s sidebar.

Hi all, new to G+ and may be a little spoiled by reddit’s sidebar.

Hi all, new to G+ and may be a little spoiled by reddit’s sidebar. I’m looking for a pdf of a bunch of custom moves, monster moves, gm moves, any moves really that have been tested and deemed worthy. Lots of great user content daily on here but little seems tested. Any help would be much appreciated.

7 thoughts on “Hi all, new to G+ and may be a little spoiled by reddit’s sidebar.”

  1. “Tested” only matters to a game concerned about “balance”, of which DW is not. Balance is about the fiction at your table.

    Additionally, monster moves are usually one-liners so you’re not going to see a list that says “squirt ink from bulbous sacks” as some sort of general move. It’s the monster that matters, not the move.

  2. Might be worth playing the game as is for a bit before seeking out supplemental materials. You might even find you don’t have a big need for additional things.

    That said, almost everything from Lampblack and Brimstone (Perilous Wilds, et al) is solid.

  3. I don’t really agree with the sentiment about balance, Aaron Griffin. DW cares about spotlight balance and the ability of players to engage with the fiction (as does every game worth its salt), and it is absolutely possible for moves to screw with that by flatly giving players more license to engage with the fiction than their neighbors.

    E.g., The Clock Mage, which gives you the ability to travel through time and has as its three background moves: the ability to travel anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye, invulnerability to permanent injury, or (my personal favorite) immunity to making mistakes. And if by some chance you die, your death move allows you to do anything up to and including building the great wall of China and then killing every living thing on the planet.

    This is all before your first level up, where you can take a move which lets you take back bad rolls–without limit, if you took the right background move. I can’t imagine any amount of fictional adjustment that would make that class not make everyone else feel small by comparison.

    Well-written, quality moves are important, and the work that goes into them shouldn’t be dismissed by saying that quality doesn’t matter.

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