If you want in on 1-4 games on Saturday Morning, look no further. Looking for 1 more player. Comment and RSVP using the posted links for whatever day(s) work for you.
Happy Gaming!
Originally shared by Daniel Lugo
:Updated as of 10/18/2016:
There is an opening for this Saturday 10/22/16, and more on the other dates. If someone would like to get in on 1-4 sessions of Dungeon World, now is the time!
For Saturday Morning Cartoons, I will be running four sessions (1 Season) of Dungeon World as part of an ongoing campaign. Being able to attend each session is ideal. Please RSVP to each session you wish to attend.
Because this is a transitional period, those who had already RSVP’ed YES on meetups.com will be given 1st priority for these sessions.
Session 1 is linked below. 10/22/16
Session 2 can be found here: 10/29/16
Session 3 can be found here: 11/05/16 https://attending.io/events/saturday-morning-cartoons-dungeon-world-3
Session 4 can be found here: 11/12/16
It’s “meetup.com“, actually. No “s”.
Jmz Haz Thank you for clearing that up.
Just signed up to tomorrow’s game. Looking forward to it!
j0rdi Awesome! Follow me on G+ and I can add you to the hangouts conversation. That’s where I put the Roll20 link and the hangouts link.