Would it be possible to have more than monsters in the codex? For example magic items, custom moves, equipment, etc.? Does anyone know?
Would it be possible to have more than monsters in the codex?
Would it be possible to have more than monsters in the codex?
Not without significant coding. It’s very specifically coded for monsters.
Sad frown
I see all those great moves, items, etc. posted and no single repository for ’em. Thanks for the answer Jeremy Strandberg
Someone will collate them. I’d be surprised if that wasn’t occurring already, actually – roleplayers often have curating inclinations
If they aren’t – I’ll do it
Cool Peter Cobcroft The reason I was asking about keeping it in http://codex.dungeon-world.com/ was that it could be used as a single step go to repository
That would be ideal. However the data still needs to be transferred to a database format. Ideally xml (IMHO)
A move in XML should not be [is not] that hard – can it be any XML model?
Here is a rewritten equipement/move from Mark Weiss (Cask of potions) in XML – it covers equipment and moves, and allows for equipment with moves. Let me know if this is the kind of model you were looking for.
Yan Périard Great stuff!