Orc Slayer (Dungeon World Compendium Class) 1.0b
If you survive an encounter with a lethal band of orcs and vow revenge you may take the following move when you next level up:
You are an Orc Slayer. Once an orc has blooded your blade you may track that creature forever. The creature’s hateful blood calls out to you in your dreams; and shades of the creatures murdered victims point the way at night. In the day footprints only you can see shadow your vision. You can only have one such target at a given time.
Once you’ve taken the moves above the following moves count as class moves for you. In addition to your normal list of moves you may choose from this list when you level up:
Orc Assassin. You deal double damage to orcs.
Foul Disguise: You may disguise yourself as an orc roughly your size.
Backstab: You may backstab as if you were a Thief.
Cavern Sight: You have Infravision.
Blooded your blade? Does that that mean you cut/stab it?
You have caused damage, yes.
How can I track it forever? Via what means? I always know which direction it went? (If so, why?) I Can smell it’s trail? (Again, why?)
Jeremy Strandberg Yes, forever. The creature’s hateful blood calls out to you in your dreams; and shades of the creatures murdered victims point the way at night. In the day footprints only you can see shadow your vision. You can only have one such target at a given time.
Then say that.
Jeremy Strandberg As you wish:)
Been looking at a lot of your Compendium classes. Most of them seem extremely 2 denominational.
This ork slayer one for example, you get the ability to track a single ork, which granted is a cool concept, is kind of made moot by the fact you also get a move that does double damage to orks, which means you will rarely ever have an ork survive an attack.
Both of the mentioned and “foul disguise” are also WAY to specific and would only be good choices if you knew the rest of your campaign would be spent fighting orks. The moment you move on to something else those moves are wasted.
Giving a character another class’s move is a HUGE no, no. Because it takes away from what what made that character unique. You can have a move that function similarly, or have the same trigger, but you should just uplift a move directly from another class. You’re just stepping on the other character’s toes rather then enabling the first.
Cavern sight is just dull, how does hating orks even lead to you having infra-vision? There also needs to be some kind of trigger, because it’s just a boring as it is.
Compendium Classes, should be more fleshed out then just 3 or 4 moves. (You don’t even add any flavor text to the moves.) They should be like half classes, that expand the character in a direction the base class couldn’t normally.
I think this is an evocative idea but the level up moves don’t really do it for me. How about something like
revenantwhen sent to the Black Gates by an Orc, roll with a +1Or
Orc Baneall Orcs know of you. When you parley with orcs (something, +1, ?)The class is super specific but I think specificity often works with compendium classes.
Patrick Schenk Two dimensional, maybe. I was just playing around with some ideas for a series of linked adventures to stop an orc invasion; with various specific orc related classes/items. I was trying for simplicity in the moves and language; to allow maximum applicability. I tried going fictionally even broader with “Assassin for Justice” which may work better.
Dave Rezak Maybe you should give it a go?