Hey tavern, I’ve made some new versions of the standard DW class playbooks. They should be a bit more printer-friendly than the standard playbooks and I’ve tried to keep the font size as large as possible. I’ve also tried to include a few additional “quality of life” features (for example, each playbook now has some space on the front page to track holds, forwards, and ongoing bonuses)
The layout of these is mostly taken from Maezar’s “old school” playbooks.
I’ve tried to hew closely to the original game text, primarily making changes only for space or clarity reasons.
Thoughts? I’ve looked over these for mistakes, typos, etc, but its likely I’ve missed at least something. If you find any errors, please post here!
I’ve also included the Open Office Draw source file for the playbooks as well as an Open Office Draw “Template” so that you can more easily use this style for custom playbooks.
I like these, a lot.
Ah, these would not go down well at my table. Unfortunately there’s a lot of loot that gets passed around and there’s nowhere on these sheets to keep track of it.
I particularly appreciate the doubled checkboxes on the spell lists. My Wizard has trouble keeping track of which spells are in her Spellbook, and which she’s prepared. This solves that problem tidily.