I’ve had this book, what, 3 years now? Used it regularly, one of my top 3 books.
Tonight was the first time I ever noticed these inscriptions.
Thanks, Sage LaTorra & Adam Koebel!
I’ve had this book, what, 3 years now? Used it regularly, one of my top 3 books.
I’ve had this book, what, 3 years now? Used it regularly, one of my top 3 books.
Tonight was the first time I ever noticed these inscriptions.
Thanks, Sage LaTorra & Adam Koebel!
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I have since died of starvation.
I was pleased to see a Dungeon World softcover edition in my FLGS this morning. Games Paradise, Sydney in the Recent Releases display.
Glad you didn’t use that damage against me.
Every time I play this game I am amazed that I did anything differently in a fantasy RPG. It’s hard for me to get interested in any other fantasy system. I mean I love my Holmes edition I started with and AD&D is like my first steady girlfriend but this is just the sweet spot.
Using the fighter template I made the first martial artist that was a real fighter and that matched what I was looking for. I couldn’t do that with anything else before. Nor could I have done it in fifteen minutes.
Adam Koebel… sorry. Roll +nothing?
Sage gave me +1 against trolls. This actually came up in one of the first sessions I ever played!
Adam gave me some good advice to not mock the gods.