

La Llorona (Solitary, Magical, Devious, Intelligent, Terrifying)

Death cry (d8 damage) 12 HP; 4 armor

(Close, Ignores Armor)

Special Qualities: Drowns Children, Incorporeal

La Llorona (“The Weeping Woman”) is a legendary ghost prominent in the folklore of Hispanic America. According to the tradition, La Llorona is the ghost of a woman who lost her children and cries while looking for them by the river, often causing misfortune to those who hear her.

Parents often use this story to prevent their children from wandering out at night. In some versions of this tale and legend, La Llorona will kidnap wandering children who resemble her missing children, asking her children for forgiveness and drowning these other children to take their place, but they never forgive her and she keeps trying. People who claim to have seen her say she appears at night or in the late evenings from rivers or lakes in Mexico. Some believe that those who hear the wails of La Llorona are marked for death but those who escape in time are not so marked, similar to the Gaelic banshee legend. She is said to cry, ¡Ay, mis hijos! (“Oh, my children!”)

Instinct: Steal life from children

Search in endless grief

Harm the living

Cause Sorrow

8 thoughts on “Title”

  1. Those Monster Moves are fantastic! Very evocative.

    Robert Doe – when she “searches in endless grief” i can imagine she might delude herself into thinking any PC is her child, or perhaps safely grown child!

    What happens when La Llorona decides she has found her child alive and well, and nothing you do can convince her otherwise…?

  2. Yes Mark Tygart , In Venezuela, the story has different origins depending on the area of the country, or who tells the story, but as a summary, it is well executed.! ,,

    Only a little detail .. your image is too beautiful to be scary …;)

  3. Nuno Ventura It was Beauty that killed the beast! And lo, the beast looked upon the face of beauty. And it stayed its hand from killing. And from that day, it was as one dead.

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