Here’s a link to the newest episode of Discern Realities.

Here’s a link to the newest episode of Discern Realities.

Here’s a link to the newest episode of Discern Realities. Details for a brand-new contest are included in this one. Enjoy!

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

Episode 18 of Discern Realities has just been released! If you are interested in participating in the location-based custom move contest we announce on this episode, please paste the text of your move in the comments on this post, or in a comment on the website. You could win a $25 gift certificate to DriveThru RPG!

Here are the time codes:

What Happened Here Recently?

Wrapping-up Carcosa sessions (00:23)

What Should I Be On the Lookout For?

World of Dungeons (06:37)

What Here is Not What it Appears to Be?

A discussion about our ‘core’ playbooks (11:07)

What Here is Useful or Valuable to Me?

Location-based custom move contest (17:42)

What is About to Happen?

Our ‘comic strip’ AP featuring the adventures of Domenico Castafiel (22:00)

Iotho’s offer (23:48)

To the vault… (26:54)

5 thoughts on “Here’s a link to the newest episode of Discern Realities.”

  1. No love for the Gadgeteer playbook? Too steampunk? I admit that I kind of like it, but I wrote a Gnome move for it and I make people play a gnome to use that book. 🙂

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