Ever Eternal Lich
HP: 1 (Falling apart, literally)
Armor : 0 (Damn these filthy robes)
Damage: 1d4
Special Qualities:
->When damage is taken, that would kill a natural living creature, the EEL turns to dust, and in a flash of blinding light returns to its form prior to taking damage.
-> Phylactery: The EEL is permanently destroyed if the phylactery is destroyed.
->Live forever
->Gain power
-> Cast Spell
-> Call Reinforcements
-> Retreat, to fight another day
-> Turn foes to fight for the EEL
Love him. In a totally dude GM loves a scary monster sorta way. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Actually, there is!
My Big Bad End Guy from the last campaign had a similar power set. Except he was like a normal dude who managed to turn himself immortal and also stopped feeling anything, so he hated his life.
His primary motivation was to die. He was willing to summon elder beings from alternate planes into our world just so they would kill him. He was willing to destroy the planet in his suicide.
Awesome! Both
I love how annoying this guy would be. Like, “no, crap, don’t hit him he’ll just vaporize on us and come back again DAMMIT REDGAR!”
Who else but Redgar? funny face
Robert Doe What is EEL? Evil Everywhere League?
Ever Eternal Lich
Robert Doe Of course
How does one destroy the phylactery?
Bryan Alexander That’s usually easy; its finding it!
If it’s as “easy” as figuring out how to send someone a PM in Google+ I’m screwed!