I’m planning to run my home group through a Night’s Black Agents campaign using the Dracula Dossier, but I have… issues with the GUMSHOE system. So I made a PbtA hack of NBA. The idea is to be able to use official Pelgrane adventures/campaigns as-is, without having to adapt much.
I offer it here, untested, for anyone who might find it of use. Feedback welcome. Note that I left “Vampirology” and “Occult Studies” off the character sheet because my players think they’re going to be playing a straight espionage game.
Stephen Shapiro Sean Winslow Michael Atlin Tim Groth
Oh man.
Tom McGrenery
Saved to check out later.
I should note that I’m revising this day by day, and will update here when I’ve uploaded the latest version.
Looked it over, bridges Pbta and GUMSHOE smoothly. I like how boosting rolls and refilling skills dovetail.
Have you gotten a chance to put this on the table yet?
Hi Aaron B — nope, it’s all theoretical so far. We won’t be starting our campaign until mid-May. I expect I’ll need to tweak refresh rates, among other things, once I see how things play out.
Jason Lutes I think I’ll give it a try this weekend if you don’t mind. Refresh rates influence play at the table in interesting ways. I’ve ran a bunch of GUMSHOE & love the thesis of play. But at the table play could use some help. Mixing in the Pbta gradient of failure adds nuance to the otherwise flat risks of GUMSHOE.
Aaron B — go for it! Curious to hear how it plays out. The latest version is here:
I love Ken Hite’s twisted, endless mind but I’ve never really liked Gumshoe. I don’t think I have a group that will play this right now but I want to see where it goes and how it plays!
Jason Lutes ran the hack twice, worked really well. I wasn’t sure about the two for one bonus of boost so I changed it the second time to one for one. Makes the game less Bourne-esque, more hard scrabble.
Keeps the worthwhile parts of Gunshoe and nuances the forgettable part.
Thanks for the report, Aaron B! I keep vacillating on a +1/+2 bonus myself, so good to hear the effect it has in play.
We’re making characters tomorrow night, starting our campaign next week.
UPDATE: Revised rules and character sheet after three sessions.