I would tentatively like to open up 3-4 slots for a Freebooters play-by-post I’m hoping to run over on Tavern Keeper.

I would tentatively like to open up 3-4 slots for a Freebooters play-by-post I’m hoping to run over on Tavern Keeper.

I would tentatively like to open up 3-4 slots for a Freebooters play-by-post I’m hoping to run over on Tavern Keeper.

I’ll warn you now, I am new to GMing in general, so please bear with me. Input/help/constructive criticism will be great welcomed through the course of play!

4 thoughts on “I would tentatively like to open up 3-4 slots for a Freebooters play-by-post I’m hoping to run over on Tavern Keeper.”

  1. ..aaaaand we have two players so far, one of which has rolled up a Fighter!

    I’m still looking for one or two more players if anyone is interested.

  2. I wouldn’t mind giving this a try! Have the book and pdf of it so I think I’m set there lol

    Hope you consider me. I’ll ask to join on the campaign page.

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