Just updated our campaign map with some new stuff for tonight’s game. I thought I’d share it here because I like the way it’s coming together. There’s still plenty of blanks to explore!
Just updated our campaign map with some new stuff for tonight’s game.
Just updated our campaign map with some new stuff for tonight’s game. I thought I’d share it here because I like the way it’s coming together. There’s still plenty of blanks to explore!
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Hey nice map! What have you used to create this map?
Thank you! I use Gimp with some freely available fantasy brushes for the mountains, trees, and steadings.
Nice job. I think that is far away for my skills.
Really awesome. Which brushes did you use? I like the shore-water ripple effect. How did you do that?
I love the trees.
Looks like something that makes players WANT to explore! Great job.
Thank you all! Dan Paredes I’m not certain the name of the brushes, but I pulled them off DeviantArt a few years ago. I’ll let you know if I find them again.
As for the water ripple, that’s an inverted select on the blank space outside of the land mass, grown by 5 and 10 pixels, and tracing the selection each time using a 2px pencil with random dynamics, jitter and incremental. Nothing to it.
And five seconds later I find the brushes. Dan Paredes they are Sketchy Cartography Brushes by StarRaven, found here: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Sketchy-Cartography-Brushes-198264358
/sub for the brushes
Sub. We have a pencil map made with perilous wilds I want to throw into digital at some point…
I downloaded the brushes, but it says they are Photoshop brushes – do these work with Gimp?
Randy Stoda yes, ps brushes work in gimp.
Very nice map, I really like it. I’ll give the same advice I’ve given before, rivers always flow out somewhere. They never stop abruptly. Unless you’ve got some magical explanation of course