Can anyone shed some light upon why the rules for monster group attacks (take highest damage dice and add + 1 for…

Can anyone shed some light upon why the rules for monster group attacks (take highest damage dice and add + 1 for…

Can anyone shed some light upon why the rules for monster group attacks (take highest damage dice and add + 1 for additional monsters) is different from the helpful DW guide (roll damage for each monster and take the highest amount). Was there a rules change in development. Which one are folks using?

3 thoughts on “Can anyone shed some light upon why the rules for monster group attacks (take highest damage dice and add + 1 for…”

  1. If you roll once for each monster and take the highest you are not taking into consideration the number of monsters. Be aware of the wording, it says “roll the highest” not “take the highest”. For instance if a cave rat 1d6 and a Choker 1d10 are attacking, you roll 1d10+1 for damage. (1 piercing for the rat)

  2. Yup, the rules were originally “roll for each critter and take the highest.”  I think that was in the old “Red Box” version of DW?  But at some point the official rules switched to “roll the highest damage die, add +1 for every extra foe).

    I believe the design intent was to make mobs scarier, and to make a heavily armored paladin/fighter/etc still vulnerable to them.  If you’ve got armor 6 (shield + plate + steel hide), you’re invulnerable to damage from anything rolling a d6.  But you’re not immune to 6 things rolling a d6.  

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