Hey, all! It’s been a while, but here’s a revamped version of the Puppetmaster playbook, using the new playbook template. Sorry to Joshua Faller for taking so long.
To anyone interested in playtesting it, here’s something you might want to pay attention to while playing: Note where the character’s concentration is being spent. It could be an interesting restriction on the player, or just a pain in the ass. It’s hard to tell from my end.
Thanks for reading, and have fun.
No worries! Thanks for posting it anyway. We ended up using your old version for inspiration and building a Magician class out of the invaluable Class Warfare with the specialties Dominator, Prepared Caster, and Golemist reskinned as ‘Puppeteer’. I’ve limited spells to the Mind school, and given the player the opportunity to add a tag to distribute among his puppets whenever he levels without adding new spells (I think it’s at 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th). The Mind school does a good job of mimicking and expanding string to bone.Thanks again for the ideas- the player is stoked about his character.
Joshua Faller
Sweet! Sounds cool
Colin Kierans Can’t find where I got it from anymore. You can download it here, though
Is there a final version?
I am very interested in making it available to my players!
Sorry for the late reply. I picked this back up recently, so there is a newer version. I’ll have it posted in a few days. If you have any questions or criticisms, I’d be happy to hear them in the meantime.
Douglas Santana Forgot to tag you, sorry! I’ll post it as soon as possible.