The Dungeon World community needs the B-Baller again!
If you can’t slam with the best, then jam with the rest! Dungeon World community needs the B-Baller again!
The Dungeon World community needs the B-Baller again!
If you can’t slam with the best, then jam with the rest! are closed.
This community has been really quiet lately. Either that, or I just keep missing posts in my stream. ::shrug::
This is fantastic!
Just keep jamming.
Taryn Fox I’m glad you love it, but I didn’t make it, a greater B-Baller forged it long ago.
It was buried deep and lost to the Dungeon World Tavern until now, when I checked my Vid-Con and revived it here.
It’s time to Slam Jam!
Now I need to come ip with a Behind-the-Back-Attack move inspired by Steph Curry.