Playtest Groups Wanted
Exciting news! #Stonetop is going to be published by Lampblack & Brimstone, with Jason Lutes editing, doing layout, and art directing.
We’re ready for some serious playtesting. Interested?
We’re looking for groups who:
• Play every 2-3 weeks (or more!)
• Can commit to actually playing 3+ sessions
• Are willing to specifically try out certain content
• Will ask questions & provide thoughtful feedback
• Can put up with potentially frequent changes
If that sounds like you, please speak up in the comments.
If you’re interested in playtesting, but don’t have a group that meets the requirements above, let us know and we’ll see if we can’t put some of y’all together. EDIT: If you do, please post your time zone (e.g. GMT -5) so we help identify possible Hangout groups.
If you’d like to take a look but aren’t really interested in playtesting, that’s cool, too! Click the #Stonetop hashtag and check out the content. It might not be totally up-to-date but it’ll give you an idea of what we’re working on.
If you’re unfamiliar with Stonetop, here’s a quick overview:
I have a good circle of folks I could organize for such a playtest.
When my current campaign ends, we’re shifting to another yet-undecided PbtA game, but I can totally suggest this. No promises though.
i would, depending on when it is. I’ve actually tried to run such a campaign in the past, but to no avail, as the people simply wanted to kill everyone in their village and move on
I would join a european gaming group via Hangout.
I’m checking with my group.
You can’t do better than Lampblack & Brimstone (Mr. Jason Lutes Inc.)!
Congrats, looking forward to this….
This sounds really interesting. Seconded on Vandel J. Arden European hangouts idea.
No regular group here, but very interested!
That font is killer. The whole image is solid.
It does sound like me
I’d love to try running this, but my regular group is pretty busy these days so it could be tough. What is an ideal group size and number of sessions?
Mark Tygart yeah, I’ve been pretty stoked to work with Jason Lutes on this. And Ray Otus, that’s Jason’s work right there. The font is Avara.
Douglas Santana: do you have a group? Or are you looking to join one?
Max Perman and Vandel J. Arden, there are a fair amount of folks in Europe that posted interest on the Lampblack & Brimstone post. I’ll tag you in over there.
Greg Baatard Ideal size? Probably GM plus at least 3 semi-regular players. I think you could play individual sessions with just 2, no problem, but I think 3 is a good minimum number of players to really breath life into the village.
I suspect this can handle a fairly large number of players, like ~6, with the assumption that only 2-4 make it each session.
As for number of sessions: We’re asking for 3+ session. First session will largely be character creation & village setup, plus the start of an initial situation. And a lot of the stuff we’re hoping to test will take a couple sessions to see how it works. It’s intended to be a long-form game.
Jeremy Strandberg i have a group
Would there be any interest in putting together an online group for those of us who don’t have RL groups to play with?
Do we get the inventory cards Jeremy Strandberg? I’ve been using your sheet with Paizo Item cards to great effect, but I’d love to have ‘the real thing’
I’ve Pitched to the new pair of roleplay converts in town, and they are like…
‘Oooh, does that mean we can be like Pug in Magician?’
‘Or Rand in The Wheel of Time?’
‘Or Garion in the Belgariad?’
‘Yeah, sort of’ I reply. They’ve played 4 sessions of DW and that’s it for any kind of Table top role play, so I’d love to commit to a few sessions to try out the system
Can we use villager playbooks with a funnel first Jeremy Strandberg?
I’d not heard of this so far, but I’m suddenly VERY interested in it!
I have a regular group but we’re currently playing Blades In The Dark, so no time for play testing something right right now sadly. But I’d like to keep up to date with what’s happening with this. What’s the best way? Is there a G+ group or something?
Drew Harpunea We’re going to keep the playtest community closed to folks who are actually running games for now, but I’ll keep posting stuff to the DW Tavern as I generate new content.
If your group shifts gears and wants to try this, hit me up!
Nathan Roberts Cool cool!
I answered you about the funnel/villager playbooks over at the L&B site, but for everyone else: running a Funnel or using the villager playbooks is probably not a good idea, at least not right now. The Stonetop playbooks are all keyed up to establish them as Stonetop’s heroes now, with backstory built into the playbooks.
Funnels are awesome, but they tend to create a sort of random assortment of “heroes” with (in my experience) pretty serious personality disorders. Not quite what we’re going for on this one.
(I am rolling around ideas for a Funnel World/Freebooters/Stonetop-style-steading mashup, but that’s on the backburner right now.)
Oh, and Nathan Roberts, regarding inventory cards… you mean these?
If so… that’s actually for a different game. Stonetop is using bog-standard Weight and Load rules, so we probably won’t go down the route of making inventory cards or anything.
I would be game to play (gm-6), or I can begin to rustle up a group. Usually online I run one shots but a campaign wouldn’t be impossible.
Joseph F. Russo Peter J Mark Weiss Are you all in U.S. time zones?
Harrison s and Gerard Snow have previously expressed interest… perhaps y’all could form up?
I think I’ve sent invites to everyone who’s identified themselves as part of an actual group. If you’ve got a group and haven’t received an invite from me, speak up.
If you can wait up to a month (more likely two weeks) I’ll be happy to run it for my new group starting mid to late April.
Jeremy Strandberg i am EDT
I am also EDT.
Christopher Meid, you said you’re looking for a group on the L&B thread, and it looks like you might be U.S. Eastern. Peter J, Mark Weiss, and Joseph F. Russo… one of you want to GM for the others?
Yeah, they are the cards Jeremy
No worries, we’ll play with your rules as written, no hacking I promise!
Still no invite Jeremy Strandberg.
We are in!
Nathan Roberts that’s super weird. I’m looking at the “Manage Members” section of the community, and it’s showing you under the Invited tab. Maybe the notification isn’t showing up for some reason?
…oh, wait. Looks like you got it. Sweet.
Yup, thanks mate! Raeding Reading…. Will playtest chargen next week
Jeremy Strandberg I’ve got a regular group who would love to playtest this thing. Also, I really love Perilous Wilds.
Jeremy Strandberg let me know if you have any room somewhere. It seems there’s an overwhelming response, but I would still love to play if you can squeeze me in somewhere.
Harrison s what time zone are you in?
Jeremy Strandberg MST (UCT-7)
Joseph F. Russo Heh. If you’ll have me again and we can work out a time, I’ll gladly join your group. We played a DW game at either BrigadeCon or Virtuacon, I was the emo wizard, if you recall.
I do recall. It was a fun game. I will gladly begin assembling a group for April…maybe.
Joseph F. Russo Ah-ha. Will bribes help stimulate the creation of a group?
You can count with me Jeremy Strandberg! I’ve been following your releases and enjoying all the material.
I’m going to playtest and introduce your game to the brazilian community.
Alisson Vitório sounds good… I’ll send an invite.
Are you going to be playing online on face-to-face? If online, would have room for one more?
I’m running #Stonetop tonight. I’ll have some feedback for you later this week!
I’ve been following your #Stonetop posts for a while. Have an interested group and we’d be keen to test to out.
Ben Neilsen did you get the invite I sent? (For some reason, they seem to not be showing up in people’s feeds.)
Jeremy Strandberg it appears I did not
Sunnuva… here, try clicking this: goo.gl/W4OJBp
Jeremy Strandberg My interest in this game has been slowly growing the more I look into it so I managed to talk my group into it! We play weekly and in terms of putting up with frequent changes, we played through every playtest version of Blades in the Dark, that’s the game we’re just finishing up with now! So we have a lot of experience with that. I’ve been very active on the BitD community during the whole process, so I imagine that will not change in this case! The group isn’t terribly familiar with Dungeon World, but I imagine that will only provide a different perspective on the game. Looking forward to getting a hold of this.
Jeremy Strandberg I’m in the midst of summoning a group together now!
Max Perman, Dylan Durrant invites sent. If you don’t see them in your G+ notifications, click the goo.gl link a couple posts up.
Is it too late to become a playtester? Because I may have some people interested and why not playtesting Stonetop then, huh?
Tiburce Guyard no, not too late at all! Check with your group, and let me know if they are game.
Oh, also, I believe Antoine Pempie is looking to join a francophone group (if you have space).
Oh cool Antoine Pempie is my DM. As I haven’t seen him posting here, I had no idea he already asked you (after me manipulating him to launch a Stonetop campaign).
Damn, I should trust better my evil manipulation skillz!
Tiburce Guyard that is hilarious.
Here we go ! I have a group to play Stonetop with : Tiburce Guyard Damien Rahyll and Tom Z.
Excellent! Invite sent. If you don’t see the invite in your notifications, go here:
I’d like to playtest this as well, if there’s still openings. Can pull together a group for at least 3 sessions.
Hey Seth Zeren, sorry for the delay, this slipped off my radar. Yes, still room! Invite incoming. Let me know if you don’t see it.
Jeremy Strandberg I can always fill a spot and would be eager to do so. Sadly, I can’t bring any others in as my player contacts can barely make the games we do play on a biweekly basis. Let me know if you need a player
Ah! Jennifer Erixon’s post pointed out that I’d missed posting my timezone. I’m in EST (GMT-4/5)
Joseph F. Russo Christopher Meid Harrison s Ari Black… I think y’all have expressed interest in joining a group. Is one of you interested in GMing for the others?
My life is too hectic for online GMing at the moment. But thanks for the mention!
Jeremy Strandberg Joseph F. Russo Christopher Meid Ari Black Perhaps. My life is going to be busy the next two weeks, but it should die down from there. I usually have a lot of times on my hands, but I’m also already GMing two games, and my schedule can be weird, so I can’t really say yay or nay until we figure out a date.
i love this concept so much. i’d love to be involved in any online happenings, gmt-5 eastern timezone.
Looking over the list again… Peter J, Jennifer Erixon Christopher Meid, Ari Black I think you are all GMT -5 (Eastern time). Any of you up for GMing for the others?
(And Harrison s if he’s available and can make the 2-hour time difference work?)
My schedule is pretty open, if there’s room for me to join in somewhere.
Jeremy Strandberg I could GM, but I’d need a couple of weeks of run-up as I’ll have little time to read it before July 1.
Ari Black Well, that gives us time to put things together, maybe have a session -1 just meet and greet?
Peter J Makes sense ?:)
Ari Black Okay, so pick a time?
Peter J How about this Saturday 2PM EST. We can work out the technical details.
Ari Black Works for me!
Christopher Meid Jennifer Erixon? You two want to join Ari & Peter?
+ari could we push it forward to noonish, i have to serve food at a fundraiser at 3pm est
Jennifer Erixon Evening better?
Ari Black, sadly no, it’s from 3-9
Jennifer Erixon Then yes
Ari Black Jennifer Erixon Okay, so this Saturday at noon. Where?
Jennifer Erixon JENFURIOUS!
Peter J I have a Roll20 account that I use for my current DW game. I can create a new one for us and send out the joining address shortly before the meet, if that works.
Works for me.
Ari Black If you still have an opening, please, invite. You’ll find me on Roll20 as Tainted Dingo
Ari Black sounds good
Jeremy Strandberg Is there a drive location or compressed archive that collects all the #Stonetop play files? Also, when we do get to testing, are there any specific things you want us to be trying out/exploring?
Ari Black there’s a pinned post on the playtest community with such a link (and requests).
Jeremy Strandberg Riiiight. I thought you had sent me something like that
Ari Black Jennifer Erixon Christopher Meid Here’s a place on roll20 where we can meet up. I’ll be here for a couple of hours: https://app.roll20.net/join/1487639/ZOYLTA
Peter J I already created on but I couldn’t send you a message as I can’t find you through Google+…
should i just join the call then?
Peter J Ari Black i guess i can’t do roll 20 cos all i have is a tablet, i tried joining the game but got an error :/
Jennifer Erixon There’s a Roll20 app for tablets, but I’m more concerned with getting you connected to the hangouts chat.
Jennifer Erixon Can you reply in the private post I made for the playtest, please.
Not sure if you are still looking but this setting looks amazing. I would be like to try to run this with my group or get in on a hangouts session. Time Zone: EST
Hey Ron! Yes, we’re still taking playtest groups. Do you want to check with your group and let me know? If they’re not up for it, we can see if any online groups have an opening.
Awesome! let me see if I can get a local face to face group together and get back to you
Good news I think I’ve got a solid local group of 4 players together – we are meeting every two weeks we just need to finish up a funnel then I’ll move them onto stonetop
Ron Thomas Invite sent. If you don’t see it in your feed, click here: goo.gl/W4OJBp
Joshua Faller is looking for an online group! He’s GMT -9 (Alaska time zone), but potentially has a co-player that’s in GMT -6 (Texas). He’d prefer to join a group, but says he could GM something on weekends if necessary.
Anyone GMT -6 through GMT -9, looking to put a group together? Harrison s Joseph F. Russo Aaron Griffin? Anyone else?
Man, I’m nearly tapped out of gaming time at this point. What days would it be?
Brian Spreng would you be interested in joining me for this?
I’ve got a session this Tuesday that I expect to be the first of several. I have a sketch of my own design that’s similar to Stonetop (play is about the fortunes of a steading) but it’s a lot less mature than Stonetop so I’m up for pivoting to that.
Likely to be a revolving cast of players, tho – the only way I can keep regular sessions is to let people drop in an out. That viable with Stonetop as designed?
Rob Alexander it’s doable, but I’ve been finding that expeditions from town are taking multiple sessions to resolve. So you’ll either need to handwave “where did Gerralt go, and how did Akios get here?” or come up with fictional explanations for that sort of thing. And/or possibly have “meanwhile, back at Stonetop” episodes if like, a bunch of PCs are on expedition but most of them can’t make a session.
I’ve got some ideas for “second tier PCs” (basically playing Followers as PCs) that could work for that sort of play, kind of like how grogs work in Ars Magica. Nothing formal, but if you find yourself doing a lot of that, it might nudge me into actually writing it up.
I’d definitely recommend having all the players there for session 1. You do a lot of setup and world/town building during that session, so it’s best if everyone’s there for input.
Anyhow… I’ll send an invite shortly.
Ok, I’ll have a go and see what happens.
Hi Jeremy, it looks like I may have a group coming together thats excited about playtesting Stonetop. I wanted to make sure I have the latest versions of the playbooks, moves/rules, and background/worldbuilding stuff.
Seth Zeren great! You’ve got an outstanding invite to the playtest community. Click here: Stonetop Playtest
Click Join, and you’ll find a pinned post to the current docs. We’ll hopefully have some updates coming soon, too.