Episode 10 of Discern Realities is out today.

Episode 10 of Discern Realities is out today.

Episode 10 of Discern Realities is out today. If you’d like to participate in the magic item contest we announce in this one, please paste the text of your item in the comments of David’s post. The winner will be announced on Episode 14, and will receive a $25 Amazon gift card.

Originally shared by David LaFreniere

Episode 10 of Discern Realities is here! If you wish to participate in the magic item contest we announce on this episode, please put the text of your original item in the comments of this post. 

Here are the time codes: 

Magic Item Contest (00:25)

What Happened Here Recently? (01:20)

Playing to find out what happens. 

What Should I Be On the Lookout For? (06:36)

Tim B.’s Play by Post materials. 

What Here is Not What it Appears to Be? (11:27)

Weapon tags. 

What Here is Useful or Valuable to Me? (18:18)

Noble sacrifice set piece. 

What is About to Happen? (26:12)

The ongoing adventures of Ramshackle Crow. 


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