First of all, excuse my “fabulous” English!
….They were walking in the mountains when it begins to fall one acidic rain that emerged from the sky. To protect themselves of it, they enter a small crack that was close. shortly after, when they go into the depths of the slot, hear sounds of walls moving up, getting stuck in a cell whose walls (which were full of hieroglyphic not repeated) seem to be to move (joining each other). …
The players, after having tried several spells and brute force to get out of there, were more committed and found that on the ground was written on a small Lapide a phrase that had a question whose answer could be the solution to exit this increasingly small room …
What hieroglyphic have to touch on the wall to leave the room?
… (view card image)
Something similar can be done with “N” cards with different puzzles, more or less difficult and draw them randomly in similar situations …
What about the idea (and the implementation, of course)? : D