I got bored and started throwing together a personal python script to generate Discoveries, Dangers, Steadings, Creatures, and the like automatically.
The content of PW appears to be CC licensed, but I still want to put this out there in case someone has some issues with this. Copy/pasting the tables and converting to python data-structures is tedious, but I might have something that’d generate the entire book’s contents soon.
Thoughts/opinions? I will end up putting this in a git repo somewhere
Better example:
0: Discovery: Natural Feature: Landmark: earth-based landmark (peak, formation, crater, etc): How is it noticed? What sets it apart?
1: Discovery: Evidence: Stash/Cache: map: What does it imply?
2: Discovery: [Creature]: Not threating yet…
3: Discovery: Natural Feature: Water Feature: sea/ocean: How is it noticed? What sets it apart?
4: Discovery: Evidence: Stash/Cache: tools/weapons/armor: What does it imply?
5: Discovery: Structure: Enigmatic Structure: megalith (ancient, medium, buried/camouflaged/nigh invisible): Who built it? ([Creature=1d4+4) What is it connected to?
6: Discovery: Unnatural Feature: Arcane Feature: enchantment (lawful, necromancy): How does it affect its surroundings?
7: Discovery: [Creature]: Not threating yet…
Host it!
Awesome, Aaron! Yes, you can do whatever you want with the text of the book, go to town.
Do it!!! Ehem. Please do this at your leasure knowing that we, the less ambitious, will certainly appreciate the heck out of it!
I for one would use it.
Playing around still, got creatures and NPCs down. This made me laugh:
Humanoid: Common Humanoid:
halfling (small)
– Activity: hunting/foraging
– Alignment: good
– Disposition: cautious/doubtful
– No. Appearing: horde (4d6 per wave)
– NPC Trait: Quirk: allergic/asthmatic/chronically ill
Oi veh!
This is where I ended up https://gitlab.com/phrakture/perlious-wilds/tree/master if anyone wants to play
For my own purposes, this will remain a command line thing, but I’ll improve the input side of things.
If anyone wants to web-ify it, I’d be willing to help
So very subscribed
I didn’t get Dungeons or Followers in there. I can do that next time I’m bored
Edit: also the names need some work. I copied the tables direct out of the book, but it’s hard to randomize because you also randomize one of the kingdoms too
Excellent thanks for this.