I got bored and started throwing together a personal python script to generate Discoveries, Dangers, Steadings,…

I got bored and started throwing together a personal python script to generate Discoveries, Dangers, Steadings,…

I got bored and started throwing together a personal python script to generate Discoveries, Dangers, Steadings, Creatures, and the like automatically.

The content of PW appears to be CC licensed, but I still want to put this out there in case someone has some issues with this. Copy/pasting the tables and converting to python data-structures is tedious, but I might have something that’d generate the entire book’s contents soon.

Thoughts/opinions? I will end up putting this in a git repo somewhere

14 thoughts on “I got bored and started throwing together a personal python script to generate Discoveries, Dangers, Steadings,…”

  1. Better example:

    0: Discovery: Natural Feature: Landmark: earth-based landmark (peak, formation, crater, etc): How is it noticed? What sets it apart?

    1: Discovery: Evidence: Stash/Cache: map: What does it imply?

    2: Discovery: [Creature]: Not threating yet…

    3: Discovery: Natural Feature: Water Feature: sea/ocean: How is it noticed? What sets it apart?

    4: Discovery: Evidence: Stash/Cache: tools/weapons/armor: What does it imply?

    5: Discovery: Structure: Enigmatic Structure: megalith (ancient, medium, buried/camouflaged/nigh invisible): Who built it? ([Creature=1d4+4) What is it connected to?

    6: Discovery: Unnatural Feature: Arcane Feature: enchantment (lawful, necromancy): How does it affect its surroundings?

    7: Discovery: [Creature]: Not threating yet…

  2. Playing around still, got creatures and NPCs down. This made me laugh:


    Humanoid: Common Humanoid:

    halfling (small)

    – Activity: hunting/foraging

    – Alignment: good

    – Disposition: cautious/doubtful

    – No. Appearing: horde (4d6 per wave)

    – NPC Trait: Quirk: allergic/asthmatic/chronically ill

  3. I didn’t get Dungeons or Followers in there. I can do that next time I’m bored 🙂

    Edit: also the names need some work. I copied the tables direct out of the book, but it’s hard to randomize because you also randomize one of the kingdoms too

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